Collect Store Process Employ Analyze big data
Zastel represents the cloud software infrastructure and services for the Internet of Things, facilitating development of IoT solutions and interoperability of multiple systems and applications.
Zastel represents the cloud software infrastructure and services for the Internet of Things, facilitating development of IoT solutions and interoperability of multiple systems and applications.
Zastel features a powerful API allowing you easy IoT application/services enablement using IoT data. Build your application upon Zastel, join our Community and create profitable collaboration bridges with it's members.
gathers context information from various types of IoT devices
ensures reliable connection between devices and the cloud
normalizes different data formats, removes redundancies and handles missing data
gets real-time data from your IoT devices and brings it to life with execution of smart rule-based actions
aggregates IoT data in the cloud to allow further processing and analysis
sends rich-text messages using push notification service
provides intelligent, rule-based system for offline messaging
creates smart collaborative environment with 3rd-party representatives and turns it into profitable solution
Zastel brings together people, systems and things
Enter the world of Internet of Things and create your own IoT solutions using smart services, provided by Zastel. Get real-time IoT data, collect it in the cloud and create applications, presentations, reports and dashboards as well as send push notifications easily by employing our API.
Connect your physical assets to the digital world through IoT devices. Register your devices with unique identifiers.
Define your collaborations inside the Zastel community.
Create location-triggered notifications to be displayed in case of unavailable Internet connection.
Create applications, services, dashboards, presentations and reports or export the data to your own system.
Create analytics based on your IoT data aggregated in the cloud to estimate your performance.
Send rich-text messages using Zastel's push notification service.